The Cardinal Points Of Propeller Wobble Prevention

The construction of a propeller for an aircraft is usually considered one of the most precise forms of manufacturing these days. This is particularly so if you intend to use the propeller for commercial or private air travel, in which case the quality of the part is likely to be subjected to a lot of […]

The construction of a propeller for an aircraft is usually considered one of the most precise forms of manufacturing these days. This is particularly so if you intend to use the propeller for commercial or private air travel, in which case the quality of the part is likely to be subjected to a lot of scrutiny. To ensure that this does not become a major problem, it is important to know about the common causes of problems with such devices, and what you can do during manufacturing to minimize these problems.
One of the major issues you are likely to come across is propeller wobble. In this situation, the propeller tends to vibrate too much, usually in an uneven fashion. As a result, it is likely to be very unsafe, and will also not last long as well. There are many things that can lead to propeller wobble, one of which is how fasteners are used when putting the propellers in place. Some of the things you need to take note of to ensure that this does not happen include:

Properly tightened fasteners help prevent propeller wobble

preventing propeller from wobbling
All the fasteners within a propeller assembly need to be tightened to a specific torque value depending on the nature of the propeller. This means that when you are putting it together, you would need to use a wrench that can indicate just how much torque each bolt and nut will be fastened to. When one fastener is tighter or looser than the rest, the propeller is likely to sit at an angle, increasing the risk of wobbling during operation. The uneven distribution of forces within the assembly can also lead to breakage of the propeller as well as any other structure attached to it.

The use of correct fastener types

It’s important to avoid substituting fastener types when putting the propeller assembly together. For instance, if the main selling point of the propeller you are putting together is very light weight, you would be better off using titanium hex head cap screws rather than other types of fasteners. You should especially avoid mixing different types of fasteners where you are supposed to use the same kind.
This might seem like an easy way to save money, but it will only make the load distribution within the propeller uneven. For advice on the best types of fasteners to use for a specific propeller type, you should consult the manufacturer. When buying rare fastener types such as Inconel socket head cap screws, you should also make the point of getting them from a reliable vendor. This is the only way to be assured of quality.


Avoid improvising

In some cases, you may find yourself wanting to improvise when putting such a device together. For instance, if you don’t have screws that are of the correct length, you may be tempted to cut a long one into the length you want. This might seem logical, but it only increases the risk of improper load distribution and thus increases the risk of wobble. You would be in a better position to simply get the exact types of fasteners you need from a vendor you can trust.

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