Selecting from the wide range of stainless steel fixings and fasteners can appear to be a daunting challenge but with expert advice from the talented and experienced team at BS Fixings will have you on the right road in no time. Check out these six Q & As to get you started!

  • After assembly, will the joint require disassembling and reassembling, perhaps for cleaning or other maintenance access? If yes, then nuts & bolts or self-tapping screws are recommended

  • Will the joint be subject to vibration or other shock? A yes means that self-tapping screws are out and blind or conventional rivets should be used instead

  • What type of and how much strength is needed? In order of increasing shear and tensile strengths, blind rivets are followed by tapping screws, conventional rivets and nuts & bolts – the latter are also the best for twist-resistance. Thin and/or soft joint materials should use blind rivets

  • Will an assembly machine be used? If not, and the tools must be taken to the work,  blind rivets are once again the best choice

  • Is there accessibility to the rear of the joint? Nuts & bolts can be used if so but, if not, then tapping screws or blind rivets are recommended. If the fastener’s hole is further than 15-30cm from the joint’s edge, standard conventional riveting machines are probably not usable

  • Is there backup space available in blind fastener applications? Below 0.57cm means blind rivets should be used though self-tapping screws can be used if more space is available

For the answers to more questions regarding the best use of our quality range of steel fixings, call our skilled technical team today!