Never Ignore Workplace Safety | Safety House Loto

workplace safety

Never Ignore Workplace Safety

  • Posted On: January 4, 2017

  • Categorized In: Lockout Device / Lockout/Tagout / Safety / Security

  • Written By: Lockout India

If we say that a belonging can come in a working environment that can only be achieved or attained by keeping the employee safe, if a employee is not safe or does not have safe working environment he/she will never be happy will not religiously work for you and may commit mistakes while working, the mistake can go up to that extent that a working operator can meet with a sever accident and can lead death. Workplace Safety

Definition of Safety

Safety as the word suggest means creating safe working environment like having sufficient amount of light while doing so critical work, optimum exhaust openings while doing some job which may include use of hazardous effluents, use of gloves while working on machines, use of helmet when working on height, wearing shoes when in workshops. Ergonomics is also considered as one of the most important part of occupational health and safety as a proper layout is made and the execution is laid accordingly helps in reducing the chances of workers fatigue. This applies not only to those working on computer workstations but also to those using equipment which are controlled from one place. The principles of ergonomics apply to all workers who spend hours sitting in the same position.
There is one procedure called LOTO (Logout/Tagout) which means no equipment containing hazardous will be back into proper functioning until and unless the hazardous waste has been properly disposed off. These regulations highlight the employer’s responsibility to protect workers from hazardous energy sources, with managers encouraged to develop safety programs that are best suited to their facility. There are many kinds of the Loto Products which help in maintaining the workplace safety for the organization as well as that of the employees of the organization but also in ensuring the ignorance and prevention of various mishaps.

The application of these devices is most common in pipelines where the use of valve is frequent.

(1) Adjustable Ball Valve lockout are the locks fitted on the handles to avoid the escape of the hazardous fluids from the pipe lines.

(2) Valve locking covers are used on the valve having handle made of round shape. These are used to avoid the twisting of the handle of the valve and avoid the flow of the fluid containing element that can harm the environment.

(3) Locks and key safety systems are the system applied where there is a separate room to keep the hazardous waste and used in operating rooms as well as used in FMGC units where safety is considered the top most requirements.

(4) Circuit Breaker locks are used to avoid any accident related to electricity and used where there is complete shut down in the plant.

(5) Hubbell Plugout is the types of locks used particularly on wire having chords attached to it. Chords are nothing but special plug attached to wire to make connection in some electronic devices. The plug outs are used to cover these chords so that the chords are not broken and damaged due to any means as the material used to make chords in plastic which is very harmful for environment as it non bio degradable product.


In all, the loto products with time have proven to be great supporters and helpers when it comes to the safety of the firm and its people. The use of such products should be on a higher note for the sake of individual safety because nothing is more important than the health and safety of any individual be it a worker or the owner of the enterprise. Workplace Safety

Checkout Our Other Lockout Tagout Products:

  1. Scaffold Tag
  2. MCB Lockout
  3. Lockout Padlocks

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