How to Improve Flat Door Security Without a Security Gate – IKS

As security gate and door security specialists we have had so many calls recently from customers living in flats in London saying the council want us to remove our security gate for fire and safety reasons. This seems to have become higher priority in the wake of the tragic Grenfell Tower disaster in June 2017.

Any experienced security grilles specialist in London will know that removing security gates from flat doors is a crucial step in terms of fire safety for flat residents. However, it can leave occupants feeling vulnerable to break ins when they are used to locking a gate for security every night before they go to sleep or leave their homes empty.

Why Security Gates for Flats are Prohibited

Even before 2017 metal security doors for flats were not permitted by law for fire safety reasons. Many people were unaware of this and some choose to overlook it. Since the Grenfell disaster property owners and councils are taking the matter much more seriously with many homeowners and landlords removing the lock on security gates or opting for security gate removal.

security gate removalsecurity gate removal

Cost to Remove Security Gates

The cost of security gate removal is usually in the region of £150+ depending on the gate and circumstances. Call us for a competitive quote for security gate removal.

0203 284 1045

If you are wondering how to remove a flat security door yourself it is important that you know what you are doing. Always seek advice from a gate specialist.

If the council is trying to remove a security gate from your home make sure they choose a qualified expert who can advise how to secure your home without a security gate.

How To Secure Front Doors for Flats Without a Gate

We are security specialists and can advise you if you want to buy gates for doors and you don’t live in a flat. When gate security measures aren’t suitable we can also suggest a number of ways to improve flat door security if you remove a gate or don’t have a gate on your door. We have a range of high security options to choose from.

High Security Locks

A good starting point is to upgrade to high security locks, this can significantly increase flat security levels. Lock replacement by a professional locksmith approved by the MLA will ensure that your locks will meet safety, security and insurance standards. Lock quality and professional fitting are very important.

Mul-T-lock high security lockMul-T-lock high security lock
Mul-T-Lock High Security Locks and Keys

Always choose a locksmith based on experience and reputation as opposed to the cheapest price on the market.

Door Reinforcement

In addition to upgrading to high security locks there are a number of ways to reinforce a door including adding;

  • A lock guard
  • Hinge bolts
  • A Birmingham bar
  • A London bar

Mesh for Glass Doors

Another option is to add mesh internally to any glass in the door.

Flat Security Doors

It is important that security doors for flats are fire rated and have a self closing device. If your door doesn’t meet the required standard the hinges can be changed and a door closer installed.

Flat Window Security

In addition to upgrading your front door security consider upgrading the window locks throughout the property. In addition to that fixed or collapsible window security gates for flats are allowed and can significantly increase your security levels.

Flat Communal Door Security

Read our guide to communal door security for flats. Landlords have a duty to meet both security and safety standards. A qualified locksmith can advise you on communal door security standards and provide advice on how to achieve optimum security and safety levels to ensure occupants are not at risk.

More Front Door Security Tips

You can read more about how to secure your front door here and speak to our specialists for advice on how to secure your flat door for greater peace of mind. If you live in a basement flat you can read our basement security tips here.

Our locksmiths will carry out a full security survey and make security recommendations to landlords and homeowners to ensure that tenants and occupants are safe. Whether you live in a flat and want to know how to improve your front door security without a gate or you are interested in improving security measures throughout your home we can help. Contact our experts for advice.

How can we help you?

For professional security advice and information call to speak directly to Martin, our Master Locksmith and security specialist.

0203 284 1045
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