EXAIR’s Unconditional 30 Day Guarantee = Success!

This week in Cincinnati we hit a record high 79°F. Since less than a week earlier it snowed all afternoon, let’s just say many people around here began to get excited. While I don’t mind a little snow here and there, once February begins to draw to a close I’m ready to bust out the shorts, tank tops and flip flops and bring on some warmer temperatures. It also means I’m right around the corner from opening up the pool. Let’s hope that goes much smoother than last year….


Another benefit to the warmer temperatures, especially here in Cincinnati, is the coming of the baseball season. With the Reds Spring Training also starting this week, optimism is in the air (albeit reserved after the last few years performance).

Unlike baseball where it’s 3 strikes and youuuu’rrrreeee out! EXAIR’s unconditional 30 day guarantee for all stock products allows you the opportunity to test out several different solutions to ensure you get the right product for your application.30dayguarantee

I recently worked with a customer that was interested in switching their current blowoff process with something that would reduce their sound levels but still allow them to complete the job in a similar time frame. The company makes aluminum castings and was using the air gun to remove residual sand leftover in the die after each cycle. Their current air gun was producing sound levels at 107 dBA, well above OSHA’s safe operating range for a full 8 hour shift of work according to OSHA 29 CFR 1910.95(a).

They didn’t want to commit to just one style of air gun, so he purchased a 1210SS-18 (Safety Air Gun w/ ¼ NPT Stainless Steel Nozzle and 18” extension) and a few different additional ¼ NPT nozzles to see which style his operators preferred. After some testing, they concluded that the air gun with an 1122SS 2” Flat Nozzle installed provided them with the best results. Having the added feature of changing out the shim to increase/decrease the force and flow was also welcomed. They’ll be returning the extra nozzles and applying the credit to the purchase of some new 1230SS-18 guns to outfit their other work stations.

Model 1230SS-18 Soft Grip Safety Air Gun

While we do have a highly trained team of Application Engineers ready and available to help you determine the most suitable product, sometimes testing it out at your facility is the best way to ensure a positive result. That is EXACTLY why we give you 30 days to test out any stock product. If for any reason at all you’re unsatisfied with the performance, give us a call and we’ll arrange for a return. Don’t be afraid to swing and miss!

Tyler Daniel
Application Engineer
E-mail: TylerDaniel@exair.com
Twitter: @EXAIR_TD

Reds photo courtesy of Keith via Creative Commons License

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