Another Unique Solution in an Aluminum Processing Plant

Fine dust particles needed to be removed from this belt on the underside of a conveyor

A few months back I wrote about the impact of installing Super Air Knives in an aluminum processing plant.  Those Super Air Knives solved a recurring problem with cleaning alumina dust around conveyors and reduced costs for the end user by over $80k.

That same customer has also found a method to remove fine dust from the underside of the conveyor belt in an application area not suitable for an Air Knife.  In this application there was no dust collection system in place to carry away the fines as they are blown off of the belt, so a different type of solution was needed.

Model 150200 Heavy Duty Line Vac provides the vacuum needed to remove the dust fines.

That solution was to install a Heavy Duty Line Vac affixed to a vacuum hood to remove fines from the belt and convey them back to the head chute.  The only problem with this setup was that the 2” Heavy Duty Line Vac produced a bit too much vacuum flow than what was really needed in the application.  So, a pressure regulator was installed to allow for adjustment and fine tuning of the vacuum solution.  The customer was able to adjust the operating conditions for the Line Vac and minimize compressed air use while maximizing the vacuuming effect on the fines stuck to the conveyor.

The Line Vac used in this application quickly and easily solved a chronic problem plaguing this manufacturer.  By installing this vacuum solution they were able to prevent build-up of dust and debris underneath the conveyor which originally required shutting down the line to clean.  This improved process uptime, reduced cleaning costs, and increased throughput in the application.

If you have an application in need of a vacuum solution, consider an EXAIR Line Vac.  And, if you have any questions, contact an EXAIR Application Engineer.  We’ll be happy to help.

Lee Evans
Application Engineer

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