Crush Washer vs Lock Washer – What's the Difference

Crush Washer vs Lock Washer – What’s the Difference

Crush Washer vs Lock WasherCrush Washer vs Lock Washer

When choosing the right washer for your application, many options exist. Two of the most common types of washers are crush and lock washers. While they may seem similar, there are some key differences between the two that can make one a better choice than the other. This blog post looks at crush and lock washers, how they work, and when to use each.

What are Crush Washers?

Crush washers are typically made of soft materials like aluminium, copper or brass. They have a conical shape and work by creating a seal between two surfaces. When the washer is tightened, it deforms and creates a permanent seal, preventing leaks.

Crush washers are commonly used in automotive applications, particularly for oil drain plugs and some brake systems. They are also used in some plumbing systems. Because they create a tight seal, they are ideal for applications where leak prevention is important.

What are Lock Washers?

Lock washers are designed to prevent the fastener from loosening over time. They have a spring-like shape that creates tension between the fastener and the surface it is being tightened against. This tension helps to prevent the fastener from backing out due to vibrations or other forces.

Lock washers are commonly used in various applications, particularly in machinery and construction. They are available in various shapes and sizes, including split lock washers, wavy washers, and toothed lock washers. Generally, they are a good choice to ensure the fastener remains tight.

Difference Between Crush Washer and Lock Washer

When to Use a Crush Washer

A crush washer is likely your best bet to create a watertight or airtight seal. They are also a good choice for applications where a non-permanent seal is preferred, such as when changing the oil in your car. However, crush washers are not the best choice to ensure the fastener remains tight over time.

When to Use a Lock Washer

If you must ensure the fastener remains tight over time, a lock washer is likely the better choice. They are also suitable for applications that may experience vibrations or other forces that could cause the fastener to loosen. However, lock washers are not designed to create a seal, so they are not a good choice if you need to prevent leaks.


When choosing between crush washers and lock washers, the decision ultimately comes down to your specific application. If you must ensure the fastener remains tight over time, a lock washer is likely the better choice. A crush washer is your best bet to create a watertight or airtight seal. By understanding the key differences between these two types of washers, you can make an informed decision and choose the best washer for your needs.

Krutik Upadhyay

Hey, I’m Krutik, a casual blogger expert in the metal industry. I am passionate about providing valuable information to my readers. With a background in engineering and construction, I like playing Cricket & watching Netflix shows in my free time. Thank you for visiting my blog, and I hope you find my information helpful!

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