What’s the Best Lock for Your Front Door?


Are you in the market for a new lock for your front door? Do you know what to look for? What are your preferences?

Here are a few things to keep in mind as you’re shopping for new locks:

  • Do you have a home security system you’d like to connect a lock to?
  • Do you have a large family or multiple people who need access to your home when you aren’t around? If so, how many keys will you have to copy after replacing your locks?
  • Do you prefer the strongest lock on the market or one with smartphone connectivity? 


Mechanical Locks

Examples: Deadbolts and mortise locks

Mechanical locks are well…mechanical. You put the key in, turn it, and you’ve locked (or unlocked) the door.


  • Traditional locking mechanisms offer the highest level of protection against bumping or breaking the lock.

  • They are low maintenance and easy to use.
  • They’re available in Multi-Point configurations, like the Trilennium® Multi-Point Locking Systems, which provide superior protection by securing your door at 3 or 5 points along the door frame. These are made with a combination of deadbolts and locks on the header and sill, depending on which configuration is a good fit for your entry door. 


  • They require keys specific to each lock in order to operate. While there is an added level of security to this, it can pose a threat if babysitters, kids, or in-laws lose their key.

  • Rekeying locks isn’t cheap, and you don’t want the lost key to fall into the wrong hands.

  • You’ll require multiple copies of your house key for family, friends, or other people who need access to the house when you’re away.

  • Since mechanical locks require a physical key, you could accidentally lock yourself out of the house. 



Electronic Locks

Examples: Keypad locks and smart locks

Keypad locks are unlocked with an access code, and smart locks can connect with your home security system and smartphone for remote access.


  • As long as you have the access code or a smartphone, it’s almost impossible to lock yourself out of the house.

  • Guests can use a temporary passcode to gain access to the house without requiring a physical copy of your house key. Or, with a smart lock, you can grant them access remotely.

  • Electronic door locks offer a lot by way of convenience since you don’t have to keep up with a key or fiddle with a mechanical lock when you have your hands full.

  • Smart locks can be integrated with your home security system to alert you when people enter (or attempt to enter) your home or if someone tampers with the lock.


  • As with any electronic device, they can act up and experience connectivity issues when integrated with your home security system and smartphones.

  • Keypad locks require battery checks occasionally, making them a tad higher maintenance than mechanical locks.

  • Since smart locks are vulnerable to physical and cyber manipulation, some homeowners feel they provide less overall security in favor of offering sheer convenience.

  • Electronic locks are not always available with multi-point locking systems, so you don’t get the maximum security.

Whatever lock you choose for your home, BetterDoor offers the following to Trilennium® mechanical locks to help you install the perfect fit for your front door:

  1. Lock kits
  2. Handsets
  3. Lock systems
  4. Lock parts and accessories



To get the ultimate protection from a mechanical lock, check out BetterDoor’s selection of Trilennium lock systems, handsets, and accessories today!

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