Bridge Washers | Copper State Bolt and Nut Co.

Sep 15, 2014

Certain construction projects require sturdy materials to ensure the tightest fit possible. This is especially true when it comes to dock construction, which demands the right components to guarantee a safe and fun time on the water.

Due to their unique construction, bridge washers are a must-have component of all dock construction projects. Unlike other types of hardware, these washers can withstand the heavy loads associated with dock formations, no matter the surrounding conditions.

Prevents Slippage Due to Weathering

Due to constant exposure to outside elements, docks go through quite a bit of weathering over their lifespans. This weathering can eventually spell ruination for a structure if left unattended, leading to unsafe conditions, as well as hefty repair bills.

Thanks to the ultra-tight fit, bridge washers can prevent weathering from damaging a structure. The notched construction and wide surface area help grip into the wood, which prevents pulling from occurring. This design also stands up well against the constant force elicited by the current, which can prove just as damaging.

Keeps Wood Intact

Another benefit afforded by these sturdy items involves keeping wood components intact no matter what. Other types of washers have been known to cause damage to wood elements due to over-tightening. This can pose quite a challenge, since tight-fitting construction is essential when creating docks and other items.
Unlike similar hardware, these washers possess a larger surface area, which helps disperse pressure evenly throughout the bolt head. This enables bolts to be tightened to the fullest possible extent, which is a fundamental aspect of keeping structures undamaged for the duration.

The Right Materials for the Job

When it comes to heavy construction, it’s extremely important to select the right materials for the job in question. Due to the unique factors involved in dock construction, such structures require materials that offer a host of characteristics, including durability, resilience, and the ability to flex if necessary. When these disparate elements come together, all projects are bound to be an unparalleled success. Call (800) 603-6887 today for more information about bridge washers available at Copper State.

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bridge washers
Category: Fasteners

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