Stapling and Nailing Supplies Round Up

Another social media roundup from MyToolkit


Brrrrhhhh, tired of the winter ? so am I, I’m feeling like ET (if you remember who he is) reaching for the light, wilting and longing to see growth in the garden and country side. Despite yesterdays ‘Storm Doris’, Some signs of spring are there though so I’m hoping we can safely say that the worst of the winter is over now- phew! ….. fingers crossed!

Grab a cuppa and take a browse at some of our recent popular social media posts shared throughout this month. I have selected articles, which  I think you may find useful or just interesting. The last article (27 Economical Ways to Improve Your Home) will most likely prompt some kind of home planning, ready for the spring and summer ahead – yeah!

The 1st one could be helpful as it is about how to:

Build Noise Insulation Panels for Your Shop or Studio- Helpful Tutorial  if you work from home and are concerned about neighbours. Not so much noise reduction, as the Title suggests, but more to do with reducing reverberations. In other words it will most likely  buffer’s some noise.

Build Noise Insulation Panels for Your Shop or Studio


11 Really Nice Farmhouse DIY Projects- most of which can be copied fairly easily. Even us ‘towns folk’ are liking these: 

11 Really Nice Farmhouse DIY Projects

 27 economical ways to improve your home I’m liking what seems to be a lazier way of covering an interior wall, could have some plans for this !!

27 economical ways to improve your home

27 economical ways to improve your home

If your Hand Staple Gun needs replacing then look at the range here, and for more Stapling and Nailing news, enter your details here so you’ll never miss an update!

Until next time – Take Care 

Chuck sitting

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